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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Republicans for Dean

I just thought this little bit by Andy Borowitz was kind of funny.

I also enjoyed this excerpt from The Independent Florida Alligator:

"Summing up the feelings of these Republicans, former House Majority Leader Newt Gingrich said of Dean to Fox News, “I think if (Democrats) have a true death wish, he’d be the perfect guy to go with."

I'm not a big fan of Fox News, but neither am I a big fan of Dean. I honestly believe the guy lost the race because he is just too out of touch with the mainstream. Sure, he seemed to do well in Vermont, but all of that rhetoric on Iraq and gay marriage sort of turned me off. Not to mention he went out of his way to go to church with Jimmy Carter that one day in order to prove he is actually a Christian (which he had to reiterate several times to the press). If the Democrats want to get serious about values the way Kerry and Edwards tried to, Dean is the last guy you want to nominate as the face of the party. I mean, come on, Vermont is like as blue as it gets. A state that is completely stuck in the 60's, and I don't mean segregation or Richard Nixon. If Howard Dean is the best the Democrats can come up with, then I truly fear that they have, as Gingrich said, signed a death wish.


  • At 6:58 PM, Blogger Robert Taylor said…

    I see it differently. I think Dean is the perfect guy for the Democrats right now. Just by having him makes the clear message that Democrats are not like Republicans, and won't try to appeal to their side like Kerry. And Dean was the first guy to start protesting the war, until it became a fad in the Democrat's primaries.

    Also, looking at it from another perspective, their's the boost Clinton (which may or may not have been a trick set by the Democrats). Having Dean in as the head, when Hilary presumably runs in 2008, she'll try to take the Democrats back to the center. And this will help her win the nomination for candidate. After that, I foresee an easy win again Rudy "Blame the troops" Guiliani.


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