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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Another Osirak?

Apparently Palestinians weren't the only thing Sharon and Bush talked about at the latter's ranch in Crawford, Texas. General Yoav Gallan of the Israeli military presented Bush with some aerial photos of Iranian nuclear installations, which undoubtedly causes many to wonder whether Iran will become the next victim (I use that word lightly) of Israel's top-notch air force, much like Saddam's Iraq was in the 1981 Osirak raid.

Despite all of this speculation, Sharon denies that Israel has plans to attack Iran. I'm not quite convinced.

In an MSNBC interview in January, [Vice President] Cheney expressed concern that Israel might act unilaterally against the Iranian nuclear program.

"If, in fact, the Israelis become convinced the Iranians had a significant nuclear capability, given the fact that Iran has a stated policy that their objective is the destruction of Israel, the Israelis might well decide to act first, and let the rest of the world worry about cleaning up the diplomatic mess afterwards," he said.

In a scary way, this sort of makes sense. Diplomatically speaking, Israel has seemingly never been a favorite among countries that aren't the US (put bluntly). Just as well, they are fully aware that Iran's clerics would have a field day (that is, destroying Israel) if they got their hands on a nuclear weapon. Israel is also fully aware that it has the means to stop the Iranians from getting to that point, via the best air force in the world. Lights, camera, action.


  • At 11:18 PM, Blogger Robert Taylor said…

    First off, Iran would never nuke Israel. That's crazy talk. Jerusalem is as holy to Muslims as it is to Jews and Christians.

    Second, Arabs would come with a counter-argument that Israel is 6 times larger than it was when it became a country in 1948. So I think there should be bilatteral talks with Iran first.

  • At 1:28 PM, Blogger Remz Pokorny said…

    6 times larger than 1948 eh? And how many times larger than Israel is the rest of the Muslim Middle East?

  • At 2:50 PM, Blogger Robert Taylor said…

    That's not the point though. As Arafat had said hundreds of times...before the creation of Israel, Jews and Muslims lived in Peace together in Palestine.

    But when the Zionist movement started in the early 20th century, Jewish terrorists started to explode bombs around the area they claimed was there's, which actually hadn't been for 2 milleniums. The Muslim would argue that it is as if in a thousand years, the native Americans in the U.S. decide to take their land back.

    So your point that Israel is insignifacant to the size of the Arab world doesn't matter, because it has the backing of the U.S. and Britain. When Arabs tried to take back Palestine many horrible atrocities happened, including the massacre of at least 109 Arabs in one town alone. That's just one story.


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