Spain legalizes gay unions
I'm sure Rob already knows about this... and loves it.
The Spanish Parliament gave final approval Thursday to a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, making Spain the third country to legalize gay marriage, after the Netherlands and Belgium.
The Spanish law is all the more striking because it was enacted in a heavily Roman Catholic country where opposition to gay marriage in religious circles has been persistently fierce.
Okay, so what's going on exactly? The straight answer: radical liberalism has taken the place of the Catholic Church in Europe. While I am certainly not advocating a return to Catholicism, the road Europe is taking is slowly leading it towards complete moral decay.
A word on this:
"Today, Spanish society is responding to a group of people who have been humiliated, whose rights have been ignored, their dignity offended, their identity denied and their freedom restricted," [Spanish Prime Minister] Zapatero said.
Perhaps at a later post, I will attempt to elaborate more on my thoughts, but I just have to make a few comments about this sort of liberal mindset that is so well represented by the above quote. I feel that, as a matter of fact, by acknowledging homosexuals as a seperate group of people that need to be "emancipated," liberals are actually upholding a form of reverse discrimination, much like policies regarding affirmative action in the United States. Instead of recognizing that "homosexuals" are, in fact, just like everyone else (except with tendencies towards the same sex stemming from an unusual or troubled upbringing...aka psychological issues), liberals are carving them out as yet another "group" of people with special needs.
The Spanish Parliament gave final approval Thursday to a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, making Spain the third country to legalize gay marriage, after the Netherlands and Belgium.
The Spanish law is all the more striking because it was enacted in a heavily Roman Catholic country where opposition to gay marriage in religious circles has been persistently fierce.
Okay, so what's going on exactly? The straight answer: radical liberalism has taken the place of the Catholic Church in Europe. While I am certainly not advocating a return to Catholicism, the road Europe is taking is slowly leading it towards complete moral decay.
A word on this:
"Today, Spanish society is responding to a group of people who have been humiliated, whose rights have been ignored, their dignity offended, their identity denied and their freedom restricted," [Spanish Prime Minister] Zapatero said.
Perhaps at a later post, I will attempt to elaborate more on my thoughts, but I just have to make a few comments about this sort of liberal mindset that is so well represented by the above quote. I feel that, as a matter of fact, by acknowledging homosexuals as a seperate group of people that need to be "emancipated," liberals are actually upholding a form of reverse discrimination, much like policies regarding affirmative action in the United States. Instead of recognizing that "homosexuals" are, in fact, just like everyone else (except with tendencies towards the same sex stemming from an unusual or troubled upbringing...aka psychological issues), liberals are carving them out as yet another "group" of people with special needs.
At 12:14 AM,
Robert Taylor said…
You know I love it, baby!
At 1:15 AM,
Robert Taylor said…
But actually, in all seriousness, I am offended by many parts of your post. In fact, the whole thing. But specifically your use of the terms radical liberalism, complete moral decay, reverse discrimination, and gays having psychological issues.
Having spent around 8 summers in Spain, I can tell you, I have never seen, "persistently fierce circles of opposition to gay marriage,". When I was 8 years old, my friends mom in Spain introduced me to a gay man at a bar. Back when I couldn't even understand the concept of homosexuality.
So in some words, you're going to have to start getting used to the fact that in your lifetime, most of the modern world will have accepted homosexuality for what it is; as old as the human race itself.
Finally, and I stress that I don't want to offend, but was offended first, you're going to have to lose the ancient middle eastern philosphy. It's out of date, and you, yourself have said that the middle east is maybe centuries behind the Western World. And I'm talking about the same crazy ideology that is plaguing the Catholic Church, what with the new ultra-conservative pope. And I hope you understand I only use the word crazy after no other choice on how to respond to your radical views.
I'm comfortable with my sexuality, and everyone who knows me, knows I'm straighter than a Benson Hurst Italian. But when you get offended by someone elses sexuality and rights as a human being, you are wrong sir. All I know is, the more gay men in the world, the more women for me. Cheers.
At 1:16 AM,
Robert Taylor said…
It's obvious you wrote your article with an angered passion, and my response was written with an angry passion.
At 7:35 AM,
Remz Pokorny said…
I actually did not write this article with passion first of all. I think all of my points are completely valid. Please read it again and try not to get hung up on all the "offensive" terminology I used. You're just going to have to accept that we disagree on this issue. Furthermore, you can't prove to me that gays DON'T have psychological issues any more than I can. I think it's a very fair bet, as far as I can tell. And you must understand that when I say psychological issues, that is not meant in a derogatory way. It's something that needs to be addressed by the rest of society in a loving manner. "Sissy" boys and such need to be accepted FOR WHO THEY ARE. They should not be ostracized and driven to accept homosexuality as their orientation. They need to know that it is perfectly okay for them to have interests other than sports or whatever other things "macho" guys are into. This is truly the root of the homosexuality issue: our male-dominated society's lack of tolerance. So by labeling them as a "group," all I am saying is that liberals are contributing to this process. End of story.
At 11:50 AM,
Robert Taylor said…
First of all, what you seem to not understand is that homosexuality does not mean liberalism. (Ever heard of log-cabin republicans?) Once you can understand that concept we can move on to the fact that liberalism does not mean decay of society. You're wrong, Remz, on both of your points.
Next, when you say I can't prove to you that homosexuals don't have psychological issues, you lose on that point as well. Because in your original post you say that unusual and troubled upbringing cause psychological issues which lead to homosexuality. I DON'T have to prove to you the latter because the major scientific associations have already proved it for me.
Now if you choose to ingnore what science have proved, that's your problem. But don't go stomping around your points as if rational adults are going to agree.
And as for the sissy part, again you are instilling stereotypes that don't always exist. Please refine your points before publicising them.
At 11:21 AM,
Robert Taylor said…
A few gay men who no one considered "sissy";
Alexander the Great
Leonardo da Vinci
Richard the Lionheart
Peter I. Tchaikovsky
Andy Warhol
Gore Vidal
Marlon Brando
Rock Hudson
At 2:56 PM,
Remz Pokorny said…
Dude, come on, like none of those people had psychological issues?
At 3:49 PM,
Robert Taylor said…
I sent your article to John Aravosis of Would you like to know what he emailed me back?
At 7:42 PM,
juicemilk said…
I'm not going to say that anyone is right or wrong, because the actual "right" and "wrong" of this is bigger than arguments presented by two people. Someone who is right can make a big idiot out of someone who is wrong by making a better argument or pointing out the flaws of the other person's statements, but this can also happen the other way around.
So, dear cousin, I only advise that you be a bit more careful with this highly sensitive issue. I understand that you find it counter-productive to categorize people with same-sex desires into a group that is seperated from the rest of society. But it is very easy for you to look like an old-world bigot if you make an opinion statement on the nature of homosexuality, and any statement you cannot back up will undoubtedly be torn to pieces by almost anyone who does not share your religious beliefs.
This is one point on which I think the two of you may safely agree to disagree.
At 6:50 PM,
Remz Pokorny said…
I still don't see what all this confrontation is about. What have I said in this post that can be considered offensive? What slangs have I used or statements have I made that are derogatory towards people that have a homosexual orientation? I know people of this orientation and I respect them like anyone else.I am simply trying to share a different perspective on the subject, nothing more.
At 2:19 AM,
Robert Taylor said…
I guess you didn't read it in my last comments. I'll just state your derogatory remarks again. Please read them to yourself several times. Think about them for a while...
"radical liberalism has taken the place of the Catholic Church in Europe." Here you're stating that being gay or accepting gay unions is a liberal action.
"Europe is taking is slowly leading it towards complete moral decay." Here you're stating that it is immoral to accept or be in a gay union.
"reverse discrimination" Here you're trying to relate the actions of the Zapatero administration to statements that threatened causasians say about african americans when using the race card.
"except with tendencies towards the same sex stemming from an unusual or troubled upbringing...aka psychological issues" Here you're stating that being gay stems from problems in early life, which while maybe true in some cases, cannot be attributed to all. Even if you want it to be true.
""Sissy" boys and such need to be accepted FOR WHO THEY ARE." Here you're saying that all gays are sissies. Which is not true. That's called stereotyping.
My suggestion:
When you're writing articles or comments, use the phrases I think or In my oppinion
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