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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Final Frontier

While we're on the subject of man's quest to journey into space, which was aided greatly by Scotty's contribution on the USS Enterprise, I noticed a couple of things on Glenn's site today that are worth pointing out.

First, Rand Simberg on the Apollo XI anniversary.

And while it did achieve Kennedy's (narrow) goal, in terms of opening up space Apollo was in fact a failure, and replicating its approach with modern hardware is likely to be as well, because throwing away launch vehicles is an intrinsically bad way to perform large-scale space activities, and to become a spacefaring nation, and no number of design concepts will get around that fact. Until we learn the true lessons of history, our government space program will continue to disappoint those of us who desire great things from it, and who want to go ourselves.

I'm all for colonizing space, but I think this guy is getting a little ahead of himself. We still have way too many problems to solve here on Earth before we can start thinking about challenging the Romulans. One thing at a time.

And on a more humorous note: Alan K. Henderson on Kathryn Jean Lopez's urgent question.

"I'd like to know if Star Trek had an influence on John Roberts and, if so, what that influence was."

Here are some responses I don't want to hear:

  • "It is a good day to die."
  • "Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. We wish to improve ourselves. We will add your distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service ours."
  • "My position on Roe? How much latinum is it worth to you?"
  • "Please state the nature of the legal emergency."
  • "From hell's heart, I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."
  • "Setting dissent on stun."
  • "Don't push your luck, pinkskin!"
  • "Engaging cloaking device." [dodging a question]
  • "Red alert! Raise shields!" [more dodging]
  • "Beam me out of here!" [yet more dodging]
  • "Really, Mr. Senator, you emotions will become your undoing."

Okay, maybe I do want to hear that last one.



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