Not sure yet
"The End of Diplomacy?" asks Steve Clemons of Talking Points Memo. At first, I have to say, I wasn't too thrilled with the thought of John Bolton representing us at the UN. But I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. If he can somehow bring the UN to a consensus on how best to reform itself (which is what I have heard he wants to do... in part), perhaps it would be worth it to give him a chance. However, my worry is this: he actually isn't an idealist at all, but rather a Bushite in idealist clothing (bear with me here). If he's just going to be there to argue and tote the go-it-alone stance, then I can't say I'm a fan. But if he really feels like he's there to give constructive criticism and sincerely wants the ideal of the UN to be realized, then I say all props to him. I suppose only time will tell.
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