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Saturday, February 19, 2005

Never say never

President Bush says there are no plans on the table right now to attack Iran. Yet he still managed to plant a significant bit of doubt when he added, in a press conference with European journalists, "you never want a president to say never." Sounds a lot like the kind of things he said before going to war in Iraq.

The bottom line though is, the free world simply cannot risk allowing Iran to get a hold of a bomb. If it means a military strike, then perhaps this is what needs to be done. Iran is a state that openly supports terrorists in southern Lebanon (Hezbollah) and continues to view Israel as an illegitimate state in the Middle East. European diplomatic initiatives must back up their words with the threat of force. Otherwise, the Iranian government will do anything in its power to stall negotiations until they are able to acquire a bomb, which experts in the intelligence community believe can happen within the next three to five years (editorialist Steve Weissman has a very interesting perspective on this). And by that time, our options will be severly limited, which is a slightly scary prospect to consider.


  • At 3:54 PM, Blogger Robert Taylor said…

    Do you favor attacking Iran?

  • At 6:44 PM, Blogger Remz Pokorny said…

    No, I don't support an invasion like with Iraq. That would be extremely rash. But an airstrike might be necessary if diplomacy is exhausted. But heck, even if we're not the ones to do it, there would be nothing stopping Israel from doing it like they did with Iraq in '81. The Israelis would do anything in their power to stop Iran from going nuclear.


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