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Thursday, March 24, 2005

Doctor who?

Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit posted a great statement from the American Council on Science and Health, which basically put to rest any doubts that Terri Schiavo is in fact in a state of "minimum consciousness" as opposed to vegetation.

What is probably the most interesting aspect of this statement is the exposure of Dr. William Cheshire, a so-called "expert" in neurology.

Yesterday, there was another public challenge to Ms. Schiavo's well-established diagnosis: Florida governor Jeb Bush announced that a "very renowned neurologist," Dr. William Cheshire, had concluded that Terri had been misdiagnosed and that she was really only in a state of "minimal consciousness" rather than a persistent vegetative state. He used this "new diagnosis" to argue that "this new information raises serious concerns and warrants immediate action."

As it turns out, Dr. Cheshire is not "renowned" as a neurologist -- his limited publications focus on areas including headache pain and his opposition to stem cell research. Dr. Cheshire never conducted a physical examination of Ms. Schiavo, nor did he do neurological tests. . . . Let's call tripe when tripe is served.

Okay, it's bad enough that Jeb probably helped his brother win the election, but now he, along with the Schiavo legal team, is citing fake experts. How tragic. I wish the government would just stay out of what is more or less a family feud. True, in essence it is sort of a legal/ethical issue, however, the fact remains that the life of one woman, who has been in her present state for 15 years is actually being debated in the Congressional chamber. What's worse, the MSM has gone insane (like it does more and more these days) and refuses to cover anything else that is actually important. The feeding tube has been out for over a week now and the Supreme Court is not going to do anything about it. Can't we all just get along?


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