Star Wars goes political
Of course, I could have guessed that George Lucas was a liberal like any other Hollywood hotshot, but this is just amusing.
Conservative Web logs were lacerating Mr. Lucas over the film's perceived jabs at President Bush - as when Anakin Skywalker, on his way to becoming the evil Darth Vader, warns, "If you're not with me, you're my enemy," in an echo of Mr. Bush's post-9/11 ultimatum, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."
Come on now, guys, don't be picking on Vader. You'll be out of breath very soon...
Conservative Web logs were lacerating Mr. Lucas over the film's perceived jabs at President Bush - as when Anakin Skywalker, on his way to becoming the evil Darth Vader, warns, "If you're not with me, you're my enemy," in an echo of Mr. Bush's post-9/11 ultimatum, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."
Come on now, guys, don't be picking on Vader. You'll be out of breath very soon...
At 12:44 AM,
Robert Taylor said…
The question is did you see the movie...
At 7:04 AM,
Zina Irwin Aghdasi said…
Montreal: I saw the movie Wednesday night.. well Thursday morning... I saw the premiere of Star Wars. My friends -who already had their tickets in advance -stood in line for two hours before I arrived. It turned out everyone in the line had bought tickets waaaay in advance. The line stretched about 5 city blocks, maybe more. Everyone was excited. Most people were wearing black, many were sick SICK star wars fans (some in complete costume). When I arrived, we waited another hour and a half.
Finally, we got to our theatre: #11. Every theatre at Paramount was playing Star Wars that night.
So we found these seats, dead center in the front. And EVERYONE was anticipating the show. They were booing the commercials and trailors, and clapped vigorously when the screen read "Star Wars: Episode III".
And throughout the entire film, the audience was clapping when good overcame evil, or when R2D2 did something funny. He was, by far, the BEST actor in the movie :)
There were some pretty cool scenes that involved lava. Other than that... the movie was disappointing.
The lines were horrible at times. Especially when they came out of the mouth of Natalie Portman as Padme. "I don't know you any more."
It WAS entertaining. But just don't take it seriously.
And this whole thing about Bush:
First of all, Darth Vader does not say "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." If he had said that, then the film deserves criticism. And people have been saying that for centuries anyway. 'Either you're with us or against us' well before Bush had figured that out.
And besides. If you look at it mathmatically, it makes sense. You are either #1 or #2. Or Nature: You are either an apple or an orange. With. Against. Very simple.
There is a really great scene just before Vader becomes the image we all know and love.
Most people were not that impressed with Episode III.
The originals were much better.
At 1:04 PM,
Robert Taylor said…
But you just said it, Zina. You are either an apple or an orange, but you're both fruit. The world is not black and white. It's a spectrum. Things can't be divided into just right and wrong, good and evil, there are degrees.
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