Point that finger at yourself

Andrew Sullivan:
We now have direct evidence that Maj. Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller ordered the use of illegal interrogation tactics at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, was given permission by Donald Rumsfeld to break military law, and also lied about it.
We need investigations into the actions not just of Miller but also of Rumsfeld, and indeed all those who sanctioned the breaking of U.S. and military law that led to the debacle of Abu Ghraib. The JAG memos show a deliberate conspiracy to break the laws of the land under the specious argument that the president is above the law in times of war. The response of the government was to scapegoat a handful of grunts who were just doing what they were authorized to do - from the very top.
At 9:10 PM,
Remz Pokorny said…
Hey man, I just wanna say that I totally respect what you are doing right now for our country. My own cousin is serving in Iraq right now with a National Guard hospital unit. So I see where you are coming from, but nevertheless, I feel like military law is military law and we should treat our prisoners with the dignity that we would hope they would treat our boys with.
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