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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

So much for Islamocracy

Iraq The Model is an Iraqi blog written by two brothers that live in Baghdad. I'm assuming that it was started post-liberation. Very good read for anyone interested.

Yesterday's post brought up an interesting point about so-called "Islamic" government.

Iraqi blogger Samir Hassan (Arabic) raised a very important point that apparently most Muslims had forgotten; it's the important fact that in [the] 1st constitution written for a dominantly Muslim society (and by no less than the [P]rophet himself) there was no mention of Islam as the official religion of the state!

"Muslims somehow dropped this document from their history even though it was named the "Paper" - which suggests it was written to be declared and published, not ignored and forgotten.

This state established by the prophet at Yethrib was named "Al-Madina" (which means "The City") and was based on a kind of civil governance free from coercion or oppression.

The constitution protected this right for groups and individuals. There is no reference anywhere in the "Paper" to the state's religion or that of its ruler."



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