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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Lebanon looks for new PM

I don't think anyone could have predicted the amount of fallout from the recent assassination of Rafiq Hariri in Beirut. After thousands took to the streets in protest, directing their anger towards Syria, its military presence, and its puppet regime in Lebanon, the pro-Syrian government has finally collapsed. The Lebanese Parliament is now left with 48 hours, according to President Emile Lahoud (a pro-Syrian politician), to choose a new candidate to be Prime Minister, after Omar Karameh stepped down.

Prime Minister Omar Karameh's surprise resignation after just four months in office was hailed as a rare display of people power in the Middle East and greeted with jubilation by thousands of opposition demonstrators in Beirut.

People power has become a new fad in the region it seems. It is quite amazing though how much Syria and its allies in Lebanon have buckled under pressure from the West, not to mention common citizens. Syria has recently agreed to withdraw its forces in coordination with Lebanese authorites in accordance with the Taif accords. About 15 years late if you ask me, but I guess better late than never.


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