More on human sexuality
Rob thinks he's got me with this one... but oh no.
The fact that scientific results on bisexual orientation is more or less inconclusive just goes to further my point: these people are experiencing a jumble of confused hormones. I don't deny that arousal towards people of the same sex is natural from the point of view of biochemistry. But it is whether or not people decide to act on these feelings that is the real issue here. There are a lot of things that go on in peoples' heads day to day that are considered morally repulsive (wanting to murder your boss might be included in this category). It is only a natural result of chemicals in your brain and in your body. In the case of homosexuality, all it takes is certain psychological issues to develop for people to create that gray area between thinking about something and acting on it.
The fact that scientific results on bisexual orientation is more or less inconclusive just goes to further my point: these people are experiencing a jumble of confused hormones. I don't deny that arousal towards people of the same sex is natural from the point of view of biochemistry. But it is whether or not people decide to act on these feelings that is the real issue here. There are a lot of things that go on in peoples' heads day to day that are considered morally repulsive (wanting to murder your boss might be included in this category). It is only a natural result of chemicals in your brain and in your body. In the case of homosexuality, all it takes is certain psychological issues to develop for people to create that gray area between thinking about something and acting on it.
At 8:35 PM,
Robert Taylor said…
Again, what you are stating is that everyone is born straight. According to you, homosexuality is developed in the early years of a person's life. You also persist on your point that homosexuality is some kind of sick perversion. My question: how can you speak for these homosexuals? Are you gay?
At 9:20 PM,
Remz Pokorny said…
Homosexuality is not developed, it is something that people choose to pursue. And to suggest that I might be gay is absurd. Please don't waste my time, Rob.
At 10:01 PM,
Robert Taylor said…
I never said you were gay. I said you seem pretty sure about yourself speaking on their behalf. It's like if I was to say that all black people like rap because of they're black.
I'm not black, and I can't speak for them.
At 11:48 PM,
juicemilk said…
Well of course he will persist in saying that homosexual acts are a perversion of human behavior. He will say this because he is a Baha'i. And I don't think you'll get anywhere arguing about it with him, for precisely that reason.
Unless you want to convert Remz? Now that would be an interesting thing to see someone attempt...
At 8:33 AM,
Remz Pokorny said…
I think it's about time to move on with another post, folks...
At 9:10 AM,
mai said…
Well, Mona's got a good point there. For some reason there still hasn't been any studies to prove whether or not homosexuals are born with the "gay gene" or whether homosexuality is applied, and even at that, whether it's a sickness at all. To be fair, it's really a matter of faith and personal opinion, although your theory is very possible.
At 12:23 PM,
Robert Taylor said…
Actually, as I have stated before, the major medical associations have all publicly agreed that homosexuality starts at birth.
At 4:00 PM,
juicemilk said…
Oh, so newborn baby boys totally want to bang on each other. I get it.
My question is, if gayness is genetic, then how the heck does the gay gene get passed on? Gay sex doesn't tend to procreate.
And even if it is something you're born with, it's still a matter of religion whether it's moral or not to _act_ on same-sex desires. That was the original point I was trying to make. And it's fine with me if you think it's moral...I'm just saying Remz has a reason for not thinking so.
At 11:25 PM,
Robert Taylor said…
Since I don't practice religion, I'm speaking on behalf of science.
At 12:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
there is such a thing as the harmony of science and religion. You don't have to be a scientist or religious to acknowledge that.
At 2:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
What the hell does that mean?
At 7:41 PM,
Robert Taylor said…
Anonymous said: there is such a thing as the harmony of science and religion. You don't have to be a scientist or religious to acknowledge that.
Actually you do have to be religious to acknowledge that. Specifically, you have to be Bahai. Think McFly, think.
At 7:55 PM,
Robert Taylor said…
And this message goes out to Mona: I'm going to list a few of the major medical associations which have declared homosexuality to be a normal, natural, and unchangeable in adults;
American Academy of Pediatrics, American Counseling Association, American Association of School Administrators, American Federation of Teachers, American Psychological Association, American School Health Association, Interfaith Alliance Foundation, National Association of School Psychologists, National Association of Social Workers and National Education Association, Council on Child and Adolescent Health, America Medical Association, American Bar Association, World Heaalth Organization, American Law Institute....
The List goes on in on. Like I said before, if you want to dismiss those people as crazy, go ahead. But they have a PhD, you don't.
At 3:39 AM,
juicemilk said…
I didn't say they are crazy. When did I say they are crazy? Obviously it is normal in adults because a lot of adults have same-sex desires. Obviously it is natural, like Remz said. And I never stated whether or not I think sexual orientation is subject to change. Why are you attacking me on points I didn't even try to make? In case you didn't notice, I have expressed respect for your point of view based on modern science.
Religion comes into this simply between the FEELING of same-sex urges, which are natural, and ACTING on them, which is not allowable in the Baha'i Faith. Along with many other urges, for that matter.
And I don't know who Anonymous is, but he probably means that since there's only one truth, science and religion disagreeing means that either the science isn't advanced enough, or the religion is being superstitious. I understand you find religion to be superstitious in all cases. I respect that opinion of yours. All I EVER tried to assert is that the discussion can't go much further with Remz, due to the fact that his beliefs are based on a premise that you do not personally accept.
The stuff about newborns and the gay gene is just stuff I personally don't understand, I guess I shouldn't have brought it up, and would you be so kind as to forget about it. Even if you think there is a gay gene. Which by the way has not been identified in the human genome project.
At 1:00 PM,
Robert Taylor said…
Again, you're confusing my statements with the statements of your cousin. I said that homosexuality is determined at birth. Menar was the first to make mention of a "gay gene". I don't believe in, or have mentioned any gay gene.
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