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Sunday, July 24, 2005

1st Lt. David Lucas

My apologies for the light blogging of late. Work plus friends and family can sometimes inhibit computer time.

Glenn found a great oped piece by a First Lieutenant David Lucas that just says it all about liberal American attitudes about the war in Iraq (the link on Glenn's site is faulty, but he quotes enough to get the point across). Some highlights:

"Let's support our troops. Bring them home." Please don't ever say those words again. Nothing is so disheartening to our troops who are in harm's way than to hear our own citizens say things like that.

...[Y]ou are entitled to your beliefs, and you should believe in whatever you want, but don't pretend to know what you are talking about just because you have watched 30 minutes of CNN the night before. Go and talk to the people who have been there — not the people who make assumptions from a TV studio...

This is so true.


  • At 9:12 AM, Blogger Robert Taylor said…

    Not that we can respect much from a freakin First Lieutenant, but soldiers said the same thing during Vietnam.

  • At 9:45 AM, Blogger Remz Pokorny said…

    Dude, but what he is saying about the media is absolutely right.


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